Easy and yet powerful networking!

At Porto Tech Hub we built the event in a way that allows network to happen easily. You can find people at the event from attendees, to speakers, to sponsors and book meetings even before the event with whomever you please. Also, you can check everyone's interests and goals to make sure you are connecting with the right audience.
This means that simple informal talk or even formal services and products presentations are all possible with the networking features our Conference has to offer.

Start networking now!


Network whenever you want!

Networking features are available throughout the entire duration of the Conference and even for a few days afterwards. This makes it possible for you to keep in touch with your desirable audience and expand your contact list.

AI at your side in networking

Porto Tech Hub has partnered with Brella to make sure your experience in networking is the best it can be. This platform uses AI to allow connections for your business to me meaningful and with the proper audience. This is done through the platform's matchmaking features that result in suitable suggestions based on your own interests and goals. You just set your matchmaking options once you register on the event, set your availability and book and/or accept the most relevant meetings for you and that's it!

Get to know the event platform

Now the next step is just for you to know a bit more about Brella so you can start networking right now:


  • Create your profile with a photo, your company information and job description. You can even promote your social media pages;
  • Select your areas of interest and goals for networking during the event;
  • Set you availability and preferred time/date for meetings;
  • Find attendees, speakers and sponsors you want to reach out to and start booking your meetings in advance.