CRITICAL Manufacturing develops software engineering services and solutions, implementing support systems for high technology manufacturing, a process called MES, which is developed by the company in order to simplify and monitor the productive processes of several types of industry, increasing efficiency.
The company was founded in 2009 by the joint action of the CRITICAL SGPS group and some of the former employees of Qimonda Portugal S.A., a company experienced in developing manufacturing solutions worldwide and also responsible for the Porto Development Center. Taking advantage of its know-how and experience, this group of professionals became the first team of CRITICAL Manufacturing, integrating the CRITICAL Group.
In 2018, on August 1, ASM PT, which operates in the field of industrial equipment production since 1975 and listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange, acquired CRITICAL Manufacturing in order to invest in the renowned Industry 4.0.
With offices in China, Germany and the USA, CRITICAL Manufacturing’s true “headquarters” are located in the modern business park of Maia, TECMAIA, amid with thick groves and a soft scent of sea air, as the Atlantic is part of the neighbourhood (about 10km).
As we enter the company’s offices, we realize that the sunlight will accompany us along the entire route through the corridors of CRITICAL Manufacturing. The workspaces are large and decorated in a minimalist way, but very cozy: it is impossible for someone to feel uncomfortable inside.
At the cafeteria, in addition to all kinds of bread, coffee and snacks for everyone; the vibe is relaxed and predominantly green: that’s the real magic of ecowalls.
Still in the cafeteria, you can notice a board on the wall where the whole company presents problems and ideas to make the work environment better. You will find those who want to change the world or change the place of the tables. All ideas are valid and analysed.
Right in the “heart” of the building, an outdoor terrace filled with shrubs, umbrellas, comfortable chairs and lively conversations awaits for those who need a break or a creative boost.
Human Resources
Currently, the company has 150 employees and the average annual growth in human resources since its foundation is around 15%, always growing in a sustained way.
This year, however, the large number of projects impose the need to recruit, by the end of 2018, about thirty new employees, namely professionals in the field of software engineering. In fact, the shortage of developers in the region encourages the search and hiring abroad: in the offices located in TECMAIA are already working people from Brazil, Poland and Italy.
Porto Tech Hub
Founded by three companies – BLIP, CRITICAL Software and Fartfetch – the Porto Tech Hub Association had CRITICAL Manufacturing as a fourth associate, in the year of its foundation and right on time to participate in the first edition of the PTH Conference in October 2016.
Teresa Carreiro, co-founder and Operations Director of the ASM PT Group company, is the Vice President of the PTH Association and took this opportunity to talk about her first eight months in this position.
It seems like a short time, but the current board of the Porto Tech Hub Association already had the responsibility of organizing the 4th edition of the PTH Conference and the 2nd edition of the SWitCH program. With a more active role in the Association, Teresa is fully aware and proud of the potential of the ongoing projects. For now, the responsibilities associated with ambition paid off: while the conference doubled the number of speakers compared to previous editions, the 2nd edition of SWITCH also achieved the goal of creating two classes of trainees, rather than one.
The legacy left by the previous direction was important to continue the project with effort and good results. Now, as promised, the focus goes to the tech communities in the region and this is only possible “by betting on dissemination, promoting coordination between the members and the communities themselves. It’s necessary to make a bridge between the meeting organizations and PTH associates, and we will take care of it”, says Teresa Carreiro.
Therefore, the positive results achieved are good prospects and allow for more ambition and reflection on new projects, never neglecting the important task of promoting the involvement of all associates in the projects of the Porto Tech Hub Association.