P4P partners with Landing.Jobs to debate “Agile in people management”
For its next meetup, which will be held on a online platform, People 4 People joined forces with Landing.Jobs to explore the theme “Agile in people management” on October 14, […]
For its next meetup, which will be held on a online platform, People 4 People joined forces with Landing.Jobs to explore the theme “Agile in people management” on October 14, […]
Readiness IT’s System Ninjas training center celebrated five years yesterday, October 5th. Its success and contributions to the development of the economy and job creation in the Porto Metropolitan Area, […]
Data Science for Social Good Portugal is organizing the community’s first Summit, with the same name, on October 6, 7, 13, 14, 20 and 21, between 5 and 8.30 p.m. […]
Those who visit Readiness IT offices in Campanhã – less than a kilometer from the famous Railway Station – will certainly look for an imposing building that stands out in […]
There is a whole “international” vibe in the corridors of Cocus Portugal. Although you only need to take the metro from Porto to Matosinhos-Sul to get there, after entering in […]
The year has only just started and the number of associated companies keeps growing bigger and bigger with Retail Consult being the new gear of the Porto Tech Hub machine. […]
It’s almost the end of the 1st semester and even before Christmas the students will start developing the new project which will be the basis of their work for the […]
Our growth is the growth of our associated companies. Having that said, we share some of the new marks accomplished by two of them recently – IT Sector and ReadinessIT. […]
Almost two months have passed since the Porto Tech Hub conference took place. It was held on October 11th at Alfândega do Porto and the main theme of the event […]